Story of me..just ordinary me...
Life of a mummy, wife ..and whats happening around mamatinie's world ..nothing much though but what the heck.. its my blog world...
Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Chatting means talking, discussion or conversation and cyber chatting means sembang-sembang secara ilmiah or merapuing with your friends/family/sapa2 yg kau kenal or strangers via computer. I will tell u how addicted I am in cyber chatting.

The “demam” of chatting started around 1997 when one of my uni colleague introduced me to one of the most popular laman sembang in cyber world (should I mention which laman sembang? heheheh) . I learned fast and suddenly get hooked with these new activities.(Thanks Cik Na! heheh). It will started with sembang skema-skemaan with skema intro questions such as “asl pls”. As a new chatters me really percaya dgn apa yg diorang goreng in this cyber world and memang rentung lah kene pedo’oh dgn budak-budak chat nie. First the activities was held at IT lab (kes salah guna lah nie heheh) and then me and my best friend mula start lepak at cyber café a.k.a cc. During those days c.c is the IN things and we all sanggup ke bandar A.S semata2 nak gi chatting (jauh tuuuu).

The reasons why I love chatting cos this is the place where we can meet..all types ,ages, locations, level, pangkat, darjat, kasta friends ikhlas and tak ikhlas..depends on their "nawaitu" Secondly since I am single (masa tu muda rumaja) no pakwe (nobody wanna ngorat me..who am I at that moment perempuan bengong with baggy t-shirt (billabong or maui mostly), selipar jamban yg ada corak bulat2 tu …and beg rambu ramba (beli kat c.m) gile selekeh muahahaha. So aku pun melayan ngorat dgn depa-depa nie (consider jahat or nakal ye aku ni?)..we can pretend to be anybody …so today I could be cikgu tadika yg sopan santun and tomorrow its gonna be mak janda yg serakah ..keh keh keh..

Eventually I started meeting my cyber friends when aku kantoi dgn my neighbours who also chatting in the same laman sembang tapi aremzz aku tak tau pon ! After realised the cyberfriends yg aku sembang everyday tu rupanya "jiran sebelah yg kau kentut kat sebelah pon bole dengar" and she’s already involved in chatting in this laman sembang lg lama dr aku then barulah dia bawak aku to “the gathering” which been held at the same location every week. Maka bertambah ramailah kawan-kawan computerku ini not secara maya anymore…but in real life as well. I’ve been blessed with kawan-kawan chat yg satu kepala, bole percaya and ngam and ends up to be kawan baik/kamcing till now. But u have to bear in mind "prevention in better than cure" la kan …pandai-pandai lah korang pilih kawan in chatting world jgn lah percaya 100%... sendrik mau ingat lah bebeh.

Aku pernah berjanji pd diriku yang marhain ini yg tak akan terinvolve dgn any cyber love since I know how untrustworthy they are (buat gundik je kire ok la kan akakakak) but who I am berbanding dgn yg Maha Kuasa and agaknya sudah tertulis di lumahfuz (cewah!) finally me getting involved with one of the kawan chatting and after years of jd kawan sekutuk (wa all selaku kutuk/nyakat each other bukan buat kerja terkutuk tau!)…Kawan –kawan –kawan (hang kutuk aku , aku kutuk hang), chenta-chenta –chenta and ends up with kawen-kawen –kawen!.... and now in 2005 here I am …me, hubby (x-member chat heheh) and a daughter. See how crazy I am in chatting world ..siap dapat laki lagi hmmm...
posted by mama tinie @ 1:34 AM  
  • At 3:52 AM, Blogger Arena said…

    Kekekke, taknak citer pasal dapat bunga masa gathering ke? kakakkakakkaka.. terus sumbat bunga dlm knapsack sebab malooo.. hampess sian kawan tu..tertanya-tanya mana bunga dia bagi..muakakakakka

  • At 6:35 PM, Blogger mama tinie said…

    arena - ahaks maybe aku akan buat entry pasal my blind date jugak ye bila ingat-ingat balik semua kekeke...ish bab tu memang malu benooooo aku ahaks

  • At 10:52 PM, Blogger ayobkelubi said…


    aku rasa cam tahu jeklah sapa jejaka malang tu!.


  • At 1:52 AM, Blogger mama tinie said…


    Haippp!!! syyytttt heheheheh

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